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  • Writer's pictureMeena Kurup

Mmmm...smells like magic

Updated: Feb 20, 2022

Just kidding! Our senses play an integral part of our everyday life experiences. Sometimes we tend to take them for granted though, especially with the busy lives we live. Here, I'm going to share the wonders of one of our senses in particular: smell.

Did you know that even though you may not consciously notice it, your body does? We associate different scents to different things. Have you ever noticed the way you feel when you go somewhere different for vacation? The smell of the rain? Maybe even spices ? Some scents bring us comfort, and joy, some bring sadness, while some scents make us feel uneasy. Every scent is unique to us individually. I share this with you to invite you to explore the world of #aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to aid in healing, and overall #wellness. It works through our sense of smell, although sometimes essential oils are applied topically as well. Essential oils are used to activate a positive response from our limbic system (the part of our brains where emotions come from), or our hypothalamus (the part of our brains responsible for regulating hormones) encouraging the release of feel good chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin. It's not a replacement of medicine, and should never be used as such. It's more of safe add-on to your lifestyle.

As a massage therapist, I use various oils, gels, creams unscented. I appreciate the unscented carrier products because I know that my clients won't have an allergic reaction to it if they are allergic to anything. I can also customize it with some of the essential oils I carry around with me. I have learned that people tend to respond better when there is some sort of happy, or relaxing scent incorporated into their sessions, and that

certain scents play a part in meeting the client's needs during our session. For example, I use lavender to help women with #morningsickness relax, and for someone with #anxiety, I find that jasmine or frankincense essential oils help them quiet their minds, and potentially help with better #sleep later on. I may blend in orange with something else for grief/sadness, and sandalwood for certain types of #migraines , just to name a few.

Another way I like to use essential oils is through a diffuser. At home, my favorites to diffuse are frankincense with orange, eucalyptus, lavender or there are these two blends by #doterra called citrus bliss and align. Sometimes, I just blend my own mix of oils that feels/smells good in the moment.

Anyway, all this to say that aromatherapy can help with alot of different underlying issues related to insomnia, depression, anxiety, allergies, headaches, just overall wellness, and it's relatively safe. I hope this inspires you to explore your preferences of scents that may bring you joy, and promote healing.

Until next time!

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